IAM uses the following prefixes to indicate what type of resource each unique ID applies to:
Benjis Pensieve helps to persist some of my chaotic memories. The Pensieve (Denkarium on german) itself, is a magical device used to review these memories.
List of various Cloud Metadata Service Addresses
Below you find various addresses and info to different cloud provider, and how to access it. IMDSv1 is the most famous one, known for instance in correlation with SSRF and the CapitalOne bank. The list below helped me in the past to keep track on the things.
CheatSheet - Calculation of CIDR ranges
Tiny write-up about CIDR notation an nets.
CheatSheet - Unordered Notes from CTFs & HTB
"The quieter you become, The more you’re able to hear"
MITRE ATT&CK Bash Oneliner
MITRE ATT&CK is a globally-accessible knowledge base of adversary tactics and techniques based on real-world observations. The ATT&CK knowledge base is used as a foundation for the development of specific threat models and methodologies in the private sector, in government, and in the cybersecurity product and service community.
AWS Shadow Admin & IAM Policy Magic
Prevent Creation of AWS Shadow Admins by giving attention on the following IAM permissions that can lead to shadow admin privileges in different ways:
CIDR Calculator (Python)
This tiny Python script helps to derive netmask, netmask in binary, number of hosts, network- and host bits from a passed ip address with CIDR range. To make the life a little easier there is an optional pretty print option. Otherwise jq or fx are nice to prettify the JSON.
AWS Architecture Templates
Besides sources like cloudcraft.io, I felt the need for some easy templates to draw AWS architecture diagrams - what’s easier then doing it in a ppt?
XSS - Harlem Shake
An old evergreen in messing around with XSS. Instead of a lousy alert()
box, let the Website dance and shake to some fancy music. Let’s do the Harlem Shake
bash - strict mode
From time to time it’s very helpful to run the bash in strict mode. Sadly I forget some of the ‘set’ options from time to time. So better save it as a memory
Dirty way of IAM enumeration
The following code will attempt to enumerate operations that a given set of AWS AccessKeys can perform. A more mature Version of this script can be found here anyway let’s dive in:
AWS CloudSec Challenges
To train the CloudSec skills there are some very nice challenges out there in the wild:
DNS cheatsheet
It’s not DNS
There’S no way it’s DNS
It was DNS
jq cheatsheet
jq is useful to slice, filter, map and transform structured json data. It can also help to pretty print data in the terminal. The fancy alternative to view JSON data in the terminal is fx
NSA/CISA - Known Exploited Vulns - Bash One Liner
The NSA and CISA (Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency) startet an awesome new project and publish known exploited vulnerabilities as a JSON list with plenty of valuable info to bring up your shields.
Messing around with EC2 Instance Metadata Service
To not increase the bill all stuff regarding the EC2 Instance Metadata Service can be tested with aws/amazon-ec2-metadata-mock. This tool is quite handy and a great chance to explore new worlds.
Swagger to FFuF (Pipeline)
pasw - Parse Swagger
SCP to prevent creating open Lambda URLs
Prevent people from creating open Lambda URLs and stop possible Data Leakage or other nasty things.
C2 Auto-Install Bash Script
This is a script helps to install nice candy onto a C2 server:
Security by Design Principles
Quick collection of useful Security by design principles.
SVG SSRF Cheatsheet
Hosts that process SVG can potentially be vulnerable to SSRF, LFI, XSS, RCE because of the rich feature set of SVG.
tmux Cheatsheet
[MOD = Ctrl-b]
Neo4j Cypher Cheatsheet
Tiny cheat sheet to remind the funky syntax of Cypher
AWS Security Services Cheatsheet
Pentesting - Auth bypass headers
Common headers that help to bypass auth issues and HTTP 403 madness:
Google Dorks Cheatsheet
Based on the Google Dorks List it’s time to gather all info at a glance in a cheatsheet. Here we go :)
Google Dorks List & SQLi List
Splunk Cheatsheet
I really don’t like Splunk documentation. Why is it so hard to find out how to do a certain action? So this is a cheatsheet that I constructed to help me quickly gain knowledge that I need.
sqlmap Cheatsheet
Quick writeup and cheat sheet for sqlmap the automated SQLi and database takeover tool to speed up HTB/CTFs
Ultimate Linux Cheatsheet
Tiny but shiny collection of multiple things that can come to help during stressful situations. Dear ladies and gentlemen, I proudly present the:
Benji's bashrc
Some more or less helpful aliases and helper functions used by me in different machines.
GitHub Dorks Cheatsheet
Github Search is a quite powerful and useful feature that can be used to search for sensitive data on repositories. Collection of Github dorks can reveal sensitive personal and/or organizational information such as private keys, credentials, authentication tokens, etc. This list is supposed to be useful for assessing security and performing pen-testing of systems.
Azure Threat Detection
Source: MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs
AWS native Monitoring
Short writeup about native and common AWS monitoring solutions: CloudWatch, X-Ray, and CloudTrail
AWS - CLI CheatSheet
AWS CLI Cheatsheet
AWS Exposable Resources
Read MoreNMAP Cheat Sheet
RegEx Cheat Sheet
Give a man a RegEx and he’ll parse strings for a function. Teach a man to regex and he’ll be stuck in debugging hell for the rest of his life
Basic OS similar CMDs
Quick writeup of some basic but useful commands for Windows, Linux, and MacOS.
GCP Cheat Sheet
Writeup and collection around GCP and some first steps into the Google Cloud
AWS Cheat Sheet
Amazon Web Services (AWS) CLI Tool Cheatsheet
Azure Cheat Sheet
Microsoft Azure & O365 CLI Tool Cheatsheet
Cloud Tools and Techniques Cheatsheet
GCP CLI Tool Cheatsheet
AWS IAM Privilege Escalation Methods
A collection of IAM Privilege Escalation Methods related to AWS. Source of this Memory
Cloud Provider Cheatsheet
This guide is only representative from my point of view and it may not be accurate and you should go on the official AWS & GCP websites for accurate and detailed information. It’s initially inspired by AWS in simple English and GCP for AWS professionals. The idea is to compare both services, give simple one-line explanation and examples with other software that might have similar capabilities.
GitHub search syntax fpr API Keys/Secrets/Tokens
Cheatsheet that enhances the GitHub dork list to hunt with the GitHub search syntax for leaked API keys, secrets, and tokens. This list isn’t complete but a good starting point.
KinD (Kubernetes in Docker) CheatSheet
is a tool for running local Kubernetes clusters using Docker container “nodes”.
kind was primarily designed for testing Kubernetes itself, but may be used for local development or CI.
Burp Cheat Sheet
A cheat sheet for PortSwigger Burp Suite application security testing framework. Starting from Hot keys over global till editor
Bug Bounty Cheat Sheet
A cheat sheet for quick testing related to some of my Bug Bounty activities
AMSI Bypass Cheat Sheet
This Cheat Sheet contains some Antimalware Scan Interface (AMSI) bypass / avoidance methods, gathered from different Blog Posts and sources.
Metasploit Cheat Sheet
The Metasploit Project is a computer security project built by rapid7, that provides information on vulnerabilities, exploits, and helping in the development and execution of penetration tests and IDS signatures.
Nim Cheatsheet
Nim is a powerful, efficient, and expressive programming language known for its speed and flexibility. In this Nim cheatsheet, you’ll find a concise reference guide covering essential syntax, data types, control structures, and commonly used commands.
k9s Cheat Sheet
k9s is a lightweight tool that provides a powerful and user-friendly interface for managing and monitoring Kubernetes clusters. It makes it easy to list, filter, and view resources, as well as describe, edit, scale, and delete them. Plus, you can use k9s to port forward to pods, benchmark them, and check resources with the same name across different API groups. You can even customize log settings and install plugins to add new functionality.
Tunneling/Port Forwarding Cheat Sheet
This cheat sheet contains known and common techniques for port forwarding and tunneling that we often use during engagements.
Source: twelvesec/port-forwarding
Hacking and Living of the Land Links
Resources & Guides
- Application Security Cheat Sheet
- AppSecExplained
- Bug Hunter Handbook
- C2 Matrix
- Check Point Research - Evasion Techniques
- CloudSec.Cybr
- Ciphersuite Info
- CyberChef
- DarthSidious
- Digital Forensics & Incident Response
- endoflife.date
- Exploit Notes
- Hacking The Cloud
- HackTricks
- HackTricks Cloud
- Linux Privilege Escalation
- Linux SysOps Handbook
- Nuclei Templates Directory
- Oblivion RedOps
- offsec.tools
- Pentest Book by n3t_hunt3r
- Red Team Notes
- Subdomain Enumeration Guide
- Threat Hunter Playbook